The state of affairs in Africa is disheartening, and calls for retrospection. The fact that Africans living outside the continent are top class experts in their different professional fields, should prick of our conscience. Is it really necessary to look to the West or elsewhere for a solution to Africa’s problems?
The myth: Africa needs our help
Africa has never been the underdog it is portrayed to be! It would suit the west to keep propagating this but we know better. We’re here to rewrite the narrative: Africa doesn’t need aid, doesn’t need loans; what she needs is equal representation and objectivity. No more divide and rule.
This Global Justice Report lays to rest the false rhetoric: Read more here
The reality:
This is Africa.
Isn’t it an irony that the depictions of the video are in stark contrast to the extreme poverty experienced by the populace? Refer below to reports for some of the reasons behind the perpetual impoverishment of the continent and people, and how we could stop it:
- Foreign aid is hurting, not helping Sub-Saharan Africa, by Juliette Lyons
- Illicit Financial Flows, Report of the High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa, by UNODC and commissioned by the AU/ECA Conference of Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
Isn’t it obvious that “Africa’s poverty” would drastically reduce if we apply the reports from the researches, and partner with Africans, applying a bottoms-up approach with regards to aid to Africa, with adequate consideration for the local populations and economies in endogenous development initiatives? Then, and only then can we stop The New Scramble for Africa, and prevent the continued pattern of foreign domination and its resultant dependency existent in Africa.